Alexander Technique

Tel. 02890 826898 | Mob. 07905 300143 | Email:

Help yourself to feel better, move better and look better.

Are you seeking improved posture, is your physical performance restricted or are you being limited by pain? The Alexander Technique teaches you how to take control and solve problems like these naturally.

The Alexander Technique is a unique, 100-year-old self-help method which aims to help people combat pain and improve their posture, by avoiding doing certain, everyday things that are ultimately harmful to their general health and wellbeing. Classes do not involve physical manipulation; you are simply guided with gentle touch and suggestions for improvement, in areas such as walking, standing, sitting, bending and lifting.

Colin will teach you to control your habitual, day to day, reactions by highlighting your unconscious patterns of muscular activity; habits that you have developed over many years. In doing so, you will allow your natural balancing mechanisms to support you, much like they did when you were a young child, before you were told how to sit ‘correctly’ and how to stand up ‘straight’. This will ultimately unlock your natural poise, vitality and freedom; resulting in freer and more coordinated movement, and helping to combat the pain caused by a number of medical conditions.

The Alexander Technique is particularly suited to sufferers of joint and back pain that interferes with your ability to carry out day to day tasks. Perhaps you are a dentist with persistent pain in your neck, or a performer who struggles with a wide range of movement. Athletes and sportsmen in particular, can benefit from the technique, and many have found improvements in diverse areas such as high blood pressure, breathing, depth of sleep, mood and mental alertness.

As we age, many of us develop poor posture, which can significantly damage our appearance. The Alexander Technique can help you correct bad habits, and resume a more youthful demeanour.

Colin Beattie, your friendly, S.T.A.T. registered teacher offers individual lessons as well as introductory workshops.  Colin teaches from his beautiful location in the countryside near Belfast and Lisburn.

Colin also applies the Alexander Technique to teaching swimming and works with all levels from aquaphobics to competitive swimmers. Let Colin help you to discover water as a fun and highly supportive, source of exercise and enjoyment.

Discover the Alexander Technique today, and take control of those aches and pains that constantly interfere with your ability to live your life to the full. Colin will guide you in an entirely drug free approach to pain management, enhanced performance and improved posture.

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